Sigma Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta at the University of Kansas had the goal to have a facility that is as strong as its Chapter. They wanted  to ensure that Sigma Chapter offers collegiate members a first-class facility and achieved that goal through a sorority capital campaign and a high level or sorority engagement. The following renovations ensured that the 1923 property will be stable for many years to come. Renovations include:

  • Upgraded plumbing and the refurbishment of five upstairs bathrooms

  • Replacement of all window lintels

  • A new fire escape

  • Supports on south wall of original building (1923 section)

  • Replacement of the sewer line within the property

  • Repair and resurfacing of the parking lot

  • Replacement windows on north, south, and west sides of building

  • Redecorate living, music, and television rooms

  • Installation of new flooring in housemother’s apartment

  • Upgraded security throughout property

  • Replacement of the hall and stair carpet on entire second and third floors